01-29-2024, 09:09 PM
- Tópico em Português: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=13959
- Tema en Español: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=13960
- Chủ đề bằng tiếng Việt: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=16164
- 中文主题: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=13962
![[Imagem: battlepass_china.eng.jpg?c=1]](https://megamu.net/banners/preview/battlepass_china.eng.jpg?c=1)
Battle Pass - Lunar New Year
Immerse yourself in the celebration of the Chinese New Year with the exclusive Battle Pass event!
Check out all the details about the promotion, where players will have the opportunity to complete daily quests and earn rewards to progress more quickly on their journey.
- Start: 01/29/2025
- End: 02/25/2025
Battle Pass
To participate in the event, players must purchase the Battle Pass, which offers two levels: Silver and Golden. Each level provides 28 missions to be completed during the event.
Quest Release
The first quest will be available on 01/29, and the last one on 02/25, totaling 28 quests for each tier. The release date for each quest does not mean the player is required to complete it on that day but instead signifies that the player can progress up to the unlocked quest. Players who purchase or upgrade their pass during the event will start from the first quest and can complete all unlocked ones until that date.
Status and Submission
To start a quest or check the current one, players need to type the command `/quest`. To submit items and claim rewards, players must interact with the NPC located in Atlans (16,13) or Event Square (225,31), with the latter being available for quests completed on event servers.
![[Imagem: 0F68vid.png]](https://i.imgur.com/0F68vid.png)
Battle Pass Window in the New Beta Client
The new client now offers a dedicated window to manage the Battle Pass, accessible from the main menu. If you haven’t installed the new client yet, it’s available here: https://megamu.online/beta/
![[Imagem: myN7rqU.png]](https://i.imgur.com/myN7rqU.png)
Check out the rewards available through the Battle Pass:
![[Imagem: 5R6zed5.png]](https://i.imgur.com/5R6zed5.png)
The Battle Pass is available as a special bonus in MCoins packages. To purchase it, simply access the MCoins section in the panel: https://megamu.net/panel/mcoins.
Note: The standalone purchase of the Silver Pass is limited to one per account.
![[Imagem: iNbjfjy.png]](https://i.imgur.com/iNbjfjy.png)