11-27-2023, 08:13 PM
- Tópico em Português: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=13639
- Tema en Español: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=13641
![[Imagem: natal2023.eng.jpg?c=1701436108]](https://en.megamu.net/banners/natal2023.eng.jpg?c=1701436108)
MEGAMU Christmas 2023
Special December Event
During December, you can drop Stars and Ruuds while leveling up, check out the details:
- Drop from mobs up to level 125, the higher the level, the higher the chances!
- Attention: The drop does not occur in Sv11 and in the Dungeon and Lost Tower maps of any server;
- Attention: The drop does not occur in Sv11 and in the Dungeon and Lost Tower maps of any server;
- On each drop:
- 80% chance of dropping ruuds (10 to 800 ruuds directly to the character's balance);
- 20% chance of dropping stars (directly into the inventory, no need to configure Mega Helper);
- 80% chance of dropping ruuds (10 to 800 ruuds directly to the character's balance);
- Time-based drop, independent of the number of mobs killed, thus equalizing all classes;
- Drop faster by accumulating bonuses:
- 30% faster for players on Sv19;
- 10% faster for players in Party;
- 20% faster for MEGAVIP players;
- 30% faster for players on Sv19;
- Drop double ruuds by participating in the Cursed Goblin invasions;
In this year's Christmas event, players will have the chance to get double Ruuds. To do this, just participate in the Cursed Goblin invasions:
- Invasions occur every 2 hours on the maps of Lorencia, Devias, and Noria, on all servers (Times in GMT-3):
- Times: 00:30, 02:30, 04:30, 06:30, 08:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 20:30, 22:30;
- 100 Mobs per map;
- Times: 00:30, 02:30, 04:30, 06:30, 08:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 20:30, 22:30;
- For each mob defeated, the player receives:
- +10min on double ruud drop bonus, stackable up to 8h;
- 50 Ruuds added directly to the inventory;
- +10min on double ruud drop bonus, stackable up to 8h;
- The accumulated bonus time is individual per server;
- Use the /christmas command to check the remaining bonus time on the current server;
- Use the /christmas command to check the remaining bonus time on the current server;
Star of The Sacred Birth
![[Imagem: JxhVsth.png]](https://i.imgur.com/JxhVsth.png)
Used to enter Santa's Village:
Level 0 to 400: 1 star every 15 minutes;
Level 401 to 800: 1 star every 10 minutes;
Level 801 to 900: 1 star every 8 minutes;
Level 901 to 950: 1 star every 7 minutes;
Level 951 to 1000: 1 star every 6 minutes;
Level 1001 to 1080: 1 star every 5 minutes;
Level 1081+: 1 star every minute;
Can also be thrown on the ground to drop blessings (10% chance).
![[Imagem: 3FDKmEu.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/3FDKmEu.jpg)
Santa's Village open every day!
2 Servers (FREE and MEGAVIP);
Spots with extra XP;
Extra bonus in Parties;
No-PvP Map;
NPCs for Entry
![[Imagem: VmyKTpO.png]](https://imgur.com/VmyKTpO.png)
FREE Map: Event square
![[Imagem: YvmO74t.png]](https://imgur.com/YvmO74t.png)
MEGAVIP Map: Event square MEGAVIP
Christmas Week Special
December 19 to 25
Distribution of 20000 MPoints every 10 minutes among all players present on the map.
Attention: In the distribution, only players who have eliminated at least one monster in the last 60 seconds are considered.
Bosses present in Santa's Village:
![[Imagem: 1DBacri.png]](https://i.imgur.com/1DBacri.png)
3 x Snowman
Mini Boss;
Respawn every minute;
Drop of jewels, blessings, or ruuds.
![[Imagem: yWtGULF.png[]](https://i.imgur.com/yWtGULF.png[)
Cursed Santa
Respawn every 60min;
Multiple drops with a time interval and no owner;
Drop of jewels, blessings, ruuds, and a temporary Power Wings!
Christmas Gift in MCoins Packages
The Christmas month also features a gift promotion in MCoins packages.
When you purchase a package, you receive credits to access the exclusive roulette and win prizes, which you can either claim for yourself or gift to a friend.
Check out the new list of prizes available on the roulette:
![[Imagem: 1gOczpN.png]](https://i.imgur.com/1gOczpN.png)
Link for using gifts: https://megamu.net/panel/roulette
Link for purchasing packages: https://megamu.net/panel/mcoins
Merry Christmas and good leveling to all!