MEGAMU Mu Online Forum

Versão completa: If you like more players for server
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Dear owner(s), Gm(s), Dev(s) and Moderator(s),

I like your server, therefore i have advice to grow;
If you like to conquer more of the game community you really need to change into full English.
I see Portuguese everywhere, ever the post i'm making now.
The forum, the website, the game need to be main English. not Portuguese.

Most gamers over the world speak there own language + English, but Portuguese is only know by 7% of the world...

And please move all non-English posts in the English forum out.

My regards,



Dear owner (s), Gm (s), Dev (s) e Moderator (s),

Eu gosto do seu servidor, por isso tenho conselhos para crescer;

Se você gosta de conquistar mais da comunidade do jogo, você realmente precisa mudar para o inglês completo.
Eu vejo o português em todos os lugares, sempre o post que estou fazendo agora.
O fórum, o site, o jogo precisa ser o inglês principal. não português.

A maioria dos jogadores do mundo fala aí própria língua + Inglês, mas o português é apenas conhecido por 7% do mundo ...

E mova todas as postagens que não sejam do inglês no fórum inglês.

Meus cumprimentos,

Most of the viet people I see don't write on English, why would we? The main site is already translated, I don't really see a problem here, alas, the grand major of the 3k players here are bots and multiple accounts.
The main way to make money is more players no bots, ppl from the west (America and Europe) have more money for games and donating.
They spake English, just a suggestion, you van do what you want lol.

Anyway good day.
o servidor eh br meu truta.. se tu nao ta feliz cai fora
(11-21-2017, 08:32 AM)Anchev Escreveu: [ -> ]Most of the viet people I see don't write on English, why would we? The main site is already translated, I don't really see a problem here, alas, the grand major of the 3k players here are bots and multiple accounts.

Most Vietnamese people might not write in English because the main site is already translated, so it's understandable. However, if you want to improve the site's performance, especially with many users and bots, consider looking into php fpm optimization. It can help the site run more efficiently. HostNoc offers great solutions for this.
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