04-09-2024, 11:38 PM
- Típico em Português: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=13027
- Tema en Español: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=14199
- 中文主题: https://megamu.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=14200
In this event, several maps contain towers that players can compete to possess.
Whoever conquers a tower has the ability to generate Ruuds with it until it is released for contest again.
The maps with towers are:
Lorencia, Dungeon, Devias, Noria, Lost Tower, Arena, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus, Aida, Kanturu, Elbeland, Raklion, Vulcanus, and Ferea.
The lifespan of a tower includes 3 stages: Free Tower, Captured Fire, and Possessed Tower. See the details for each stage below:
Free Tower
When the tower is free, simply click on it and wait for the capture to complete.
The completion percentage is displayed in the center of the screen and on the tower itself.
The process is canceled if the player moves more than 5 units away from the tower.
Only one player can capture the tower at a time, and the opportunity can be contested in PvP.
Each player may possess only one tower per server. If a player with an active tower interacts with the NPC, the capture will not begin.
Captured Fire
When the fire is captured, the player should move to the desired position for the new tower and begin the summoning.
Summoning starts as soon as the player stops moving.
The completion percentage of the summoning process is displayed in the center of the screen.
If the player moves, the count restarts.
If the player is killed, the killer receives the fire.
If the player changes maps or enters a safe zone, the tower respawns without an owner at the last valid position.
Possessed Tower
After summoning, the player gains 120 minutes of tower possession.
While the tower is possessed, it generates Ruuds each time nearby monsters are defeated:
- 0.2 Ruuds from mobs within a 20-unit radius;
- 0.1 Ruuds from mobs within a 40-unit radius;
During times when farming exceeds 2000 Ruuds in the last hour, the gain per mob is reduced to 20%.
In the first 60 minutes of possession, the owner can extend the possession time in exchange for jewels:
- The required jewel is random and may be a Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Life, Jewel of Harmony, Jewel of Chaos, or Jewel of Creation;
- Each extension adds 60 minutes to the possession time, with an increasing number of jewels required for each extension.
To collect generated Ruuds or extend the possession time, the player must approach the tower and use the command /farmtower.
The tower’s status can also be obtained by clicking on it.
Note: Any uncollected Ruuds are discarded when the tower is released.
PvP without Penalty
The murder report system does not consider kills under the following conditions:
- Free tower and kills within 20 units of the tower;
- Captured fire and kills within 20 units of the fire.
However, when the tower is possessed, all kills are reportable.
The event takes place on all servers. However, on servers 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, and 15, towers are randomly repositioned on the map when released.
Event Period
Start: 11/05 00:00 (GMT-3)
End: 11/30 (All towers are removed)