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Versão completa: Lacking of Reset points
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Hello everyone,
I have a question about stats points earning. My character has 150 rr (with megavip status). Based on the information on the website, I have manual calculated my total stats points is:
+ Points from 150 rr megavip: 150*340 = 51,000 points.
+ Extra point from career is: 500 (1rr) + 800 (5rr) + 1000 (25rr) + 2000 (50rr) + 3000 (75rr) + 4000 (100rr) + 5000 (125rr) + 6000 (150rr) = 22,300 points.
So my total points my character should have at 150 rr is: 51,000 + 22,300 = 73,300.
But as you can see in the attachment, I only have 70,750 points. I'm wondering where is the remaining points (73,300 - 70,750 = 2,550 points)
I have raised a question in facebook chat. I've follow instructions that rebuilding by /rebuild command but this won't work.
Appreciated a lot.
Anybody please help me to find out root cause of this issue please. Thank you.
Update currently I haven't got any idea about 2500 points missing out. Anyone hearing?
You can use Redistribute Points (VIP) to gain those stats back.
(09-22-2023, 01:35 AM)caccoi Escreveu: [ -> ]Hello, 
You can use Redistribute Points (VIP) to gain those stats back.

Thanks for your advised.
But unfortunately, it doesn't work properly, I have uploaded screenshot before and after Redistribute Points (VIP) in webpage.
Before: [attachment=1463]
After: [attachment=1464]

Clearly, my total available stats points showed in webpage (also in game) at this moment are: 93,662.

This is my manual calculating: 
+ Leveling up to 400lvl: 399*7 = 2,793 points
+ Points from 190 rr megavip: 64,600 points
+ Extra points from career: 500 + 800 + 1000 + 2000 + 3000 + 4000 + 5000 + 6000 + 7000 = 29,300 points
That mean the sum of points should be: 2,793 + 64,600 + 29,300 = 96,693 points
Today the points gap is: 96,693 - 93,662 = 3,031 points

I am really confused. Topic started but it seems like no moderator/technician staff aware of this.