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what is Archeon Guardian - Versão para Impressão

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what is Archeon Guardian - chimcat00 - 02-14-2018

hello all
I see event Archeon Guardian on screen, I want to know what is event
and how to join it
thanks !

RE: what is Archeon Guardian - Magaive - 02-14-2018

It is a kind of invasion that occurs on maps of Acheron, where the goal is to destroy an obelisk that appears on one of the maps randomly. It usually appears in the center of the map or in more open areas of the map.
To participate in the event you just have to talk to the NPC in lorencia, Sir Lesnar (if I'm not mistaken), but there is no mistake, he is near the blacksmith who sells the DK skills, he will have the option to participate in the event, and you will be moved automatically to acheron.

RE: what is Archeon Guardian - chimcat00 - 02-14-2018

what is present of the event, sir ?

RE: what is Archeon Guardian - Magaive - 02-15-2018

In the event of jewelry.