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Pentagram bug/cheat????? - Versão para Impressão

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Pentagram bug/cheat????? - NgaoThien - 10-03-2017

I'm not sure but here my problem. When the pentagram in the image below was in the seller's store, it showed Errtel of Gale in the fifth slot, the price is 1k mc - Yes, surprisingly cheap, that's why I decided to buy. And when I buy it, this thing happened:

[Imagem: DMvZSh2.jpg]

Then I tried to put it on my store, view it by another char, and there's no Errtel of Gale like I used to see on his store. It shows like above.

My wish is:

- If this is a bug, I hope administrators fixes it as fast as possible.
- If he is a cheater, I just want my mc back from him and send this sh!t back to him.

Thank you very much!

RE: Pentagram bug/cheat????? - Arya - 10-05-2017

Good Morning,
This happens when the pentagram is negotiated with erthel included, to be able to use his pentagram it is enough to return to the original owner and ask that the pentagram be negotiated without ertheis.
We are aware that it was a negotiation in loren and hardly find the owner, I ask you to send me a PM with the nick of char and login and leave the staff on Bau 0, once we have a time (we are working hard with the season 12) we give an attention to your problem, you will not leave in the prejudice, I ask for and have some calm and understanding.

closed topic, resolution via PM.