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[Event] [EXCLUSIVE] Summoning of boss - Versão para Impressão

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[Event] [EXCLUSIVE] Summoning of boss - iEIias - 06-27-2021

Hello everybody, another new MEGAMU exclusive event

Summoning of BOSS

Now you can summon your own boss to get access to the best items.

How does it work?

It's similar to an auction, whoever is offering the most jewels for the summoning gets the privilege.

Which BOSS?

Every day a boss is chosen to be summoned, it will be informed 10 minutes before the event, it can be:
Kundun, Erohim, Medusa, Selupan, Nightmare or Balgass

What is the currency for invocation?

It is also announced on the day, and can be:
Bless, Soul, Life, Creation, Harmony or Chaos
They must be paid in packs of 10, 20 or 30 jewels and need to be in the inventory.

What is the cost of an invocation?

Each bid costs one chaos, it must be in the inventory and separate from the others.
How do i give the value?

During the event simply type /invocar [and the value you want].
E.g.: if the currency is bless and you have 2 packs of 20 and one of 30,
you can bid 20+30 bless (/invocar 50), but you cannot bid 60, 
as there is no way to form this value from the packs in your inventory.

Where will the boss appear?

He will appear right after the auction at the place where the winning bid was placed,
You can hide in the maps if you don't want to share the boss with others.

On which maps is it allowed to give the value?

Lorencia, Devias, Dungeon, Noria, Atlans, Tarkan and Lost Tower, just away from the cities.

What is the time and server for the event?

Every day at 23:00 on Server 1 ( Brazilian time )

When will the value of the invocation be taken out of inventory?

At the end of the auction, if the player no longer has the value offered, the event restarts and the player is blocked from the event until the next one.
The same occurs if he leaves the game.