MEGAMU Mu Online Forum
Help me, please. I can't play game!!!! - Versão para Impressão

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Help me, please. I can't play game!!!! - huyhuy - 06-19-2017

Dear admin!!
I can not play gam e, Help me ple ase !!!!!

RE: Help me, please. I can't play game!!!! - TuleMG - 06-19-2017

This HUD bug is normal in Mu for some players.
It happens because have a mismatch of DirectX and other components required for the game.

I ask you to download the following items and update:
Visual C ++, .Net Framework 4.6, DirectX

PLEASE, remember to verify the version of your components/windows before install this updates.

Here is DirectX link:

If after these 3 updates the error continues, try to update the video card driver.

I await your response if the issue is resolved.

RE: Help me, please. I can't play game!!!! - TuleMG - 06-20-2017

I believe the issue is resolved.

I'm closing the topic and if you have any other questions i'm at your disposal.